Fast, Flat & Windy

10 May 2025

111 km Around Sylt

Call for Participants

111 km Solo

Mandatory Equipment

During the race, each participant (individual & relay) must carry the following equipment. The race management reserves the right to check the mandatory equipment at the start number distribution and if necessary during the race:

Cell phone
Functioning, charged and switched on. The phone number has to be deposited at the online registration and will be checked at the race number distribution.

(Folding) cups
For environmental reasons, plastic cups will not be provided at aid stations. Reusable cups are part of the start package.

Lamp / Reflectors
Participants are required to wear a lamp and a reflective vest/shoulder strap when it gets dark. Spare lamp with spare batteries recommended.

Camel bag or equivalent
Each runner must carry a drinking vessel/bladder with at least 0.5L capacity.

Rescue blanket (gold foil)
A rescue blanket (gold foil) must be carried.

Clothing appropriate for the weather (weather change)
Weather changes (hot, windy, cold, rainy) are to be firmly expected. Each runner is obliged to carry appropriate clothing or to have access to it during the race (e.g. drop bag).


Join the Race

10. Mai 2025